Bravo 6 Going Dark

bravo six going dark

My job is sending me away for a little bit, so I’m not going to post for the next week. I know that everyone who reads this is absolutely riveted by my consistent stream of conscious that I post here. I definitely need to get back into the rhythm of writing longer form posts. It’s pretty difficult without my bikes or my truck here. I’m working on getting a buddy of mine to drive my truck out to where I am, so I at least have a vehicle, and potentially one of my bikes.

Other than that, I suppose I can report that I was doing some self reflecting recently, and I haven’t had a “dark day” in 6 months or so. A “dark day” being a day where I felt empty or depressive. It was kinda weird thinking about how there was a time where I didn’t really feel much emotionally. I suppose depression will do that.